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Custom Color Patch Sets vs. Traditional Patch Sets

Custom Color Patch Sets can be tailored to the specific needs of your display and can provide much more relevant data about the display's gamut on top of being more efficient. This improves your calibration and validation results compared to traditional patch sets.

Please visit the Advantage Of Custom Color Patch Sets In Display Calibration guide for an in-depth comparison between Custom Color Patch Sets and Traditional Patch Sets.

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Custom Color Patch Set Import In Calman 5

Here are instructions how to import custom patch set files into Calman 5:

  • close Calman 5
  • create your patch set in the Custom Color Patch Sequence Generator
  • under File format select the Calman option
  • save the archive containing the Calman .ccfx patch set to your PC
  • on Windows, extract the archive into this Calman directory:
    • for Calman 5 Home Theater installations: C:\ProgramData\SpectraCal\CalMAN 5 Home Theater\Config
    • for Calman 5 Business installations: C:\ProgramData\SpectraCal\CalMAN 5 for Business\Config
  • start Calman 5
  • go to the ColorChecker section
  • under Basic Workflow Options > Layout Data Points > Color Checker Settings un-check all other patch sets, check the Custom Patch Set option and select your custom patch set in the select menu

Color Patch Sequence Statistics

The Custom Color Patch Sequence Generator and Color Patch Sequence Viewer display detailed 2D (H|S|B) and 3D (RGB Color Cube) statistics (see below) of color patch sequences used for display profiling in calibration solutions such as , Calman and Argyll. These statistics can be used to analyze and visualize any color patch set.

Here's an explanation of the statistics:

Profile Overview
This section shows you various top level statistics of the patch sequence. Lowest/highest/average patch brightness difference between consecutive patches can be of interest for users profiling Plasma displays. It might help against ABL if the patches cycle between a dark and bright patch.

Profile Overview Statistics Of Custom Patch Set

1D Grid Sequence
This section shows you a plot of the 1D grid sequence that is generated from the settings you chose in the Generated Grid Sequence section or Manual Grid Sequence section - this chart is not displayed in the Custom Patch Set section.

The 1D grid is then used to generate the 3D patch sequence. If you did not choose Lightspace Original Sequence as the patch format then a corresponding Lightspace sequence will be displayed in red as a reference in the 1D graph. Your generated 1D grid will always be displayed in blue in the 1D graph.

1D Grid Sequence Graph For Custom Patch Set

HSB Hue Graph
This section shows you the distribution of the profiling points across the color hues. 0°/360° corresponds to Red (primary color), 60° to Yellow (secondary color), 120° to Green (primary color), 180° to Cyan (secondary color), 240° to Blue (primary color) and 300° to Magenta (secondary color). The hue graph excludes Greyscale points.

Hue Statistics For Custom Patch Set

HSB Saturation Graph
This graph shows you the distribution of profiling points across Saturation levels from 0-100%. Saturation is relative to Brightness. A more evenly distributed points per saturation level is recommended as real world content is not always close to 100% saturation. This can be adjusted and tweaked in the Custom Color Patch Sequence Generator.

Saturation Statistics For Custom Patch Set

HSB Brightness Graph
This graph shows you the distribution of profiling points across Brightness levels from 0-100%. A more evenly distributed points per brightness level is recommended as the majority of real world content is between 25-75% brightness. This can be adjusted and tweaked in the Custom Color Patch Sequence Generator.

Brightness Statistics For Custom Patch Set

3D RGB Color Cube
The RGB Color Cube shows you a 3D representation of your color patch set. The cube has rotate and zoom functionality and you can change the size of the color points, hide the grid and filter/isolate color points.

Here's a screenshot of a custom 9,137 point patch set:

3D RGB Color Cube Color Of Custom 9,137 Point Patch Set

Here's another patch set with point size set to 4 and filtered by Blue & Cyan color points.

3D RGB Color Cube - Color Points Filtered By Blue & Cyan