Eizo CG318 Calibration Overview

The CG318 is a 31.1-inch professional-grade monitor from Eizo, designed for high-end color grading, photography, and video editing. It features a 4096 x 2160 DCI-4K resolution, delivering ultra-sharp visuals.

The Eizo CG318 is a popular choice in the mid-tier professional display market, used by colorists and editors.

Below is an overview of the display's performance before and after professional Eizo CG318 calibration.
A 3D LUT calibration was done and the resulting cLUT was then loaded into the BMD Micro Converter LUT box, the CG318 does not have internal 3D LUT storage.
At time of calibration, the unit was 9 years old with 35,953 hours of usage.

This calibration is another prime example how professional display calibration can restore old, out-of-spec displays, making them usable again in color-critical workflows.

Equipment, software and target used in the calibration:

  • Calibration software: DCM
  • Colorimeter: K-10-A
  • Spectro: CR-300
  • Patch generator: DaVinci Resolve, SDI out
  • Calibration target: Rec 709 D65 G2.4 120 nits (SDR)
  • LUT holder: BMD Micro Converter 33^3

Native Gamut

This is the native gamut (before calibration) of the Eizo CG318 compared to the Rec 709 color space calibration target. The display's native gamut fully covers the target color space, making it ideal for accurate display calibration.

Eizo CG318 SDR native gamut pre calibration

White Point

This is a close-up of the native white point (before calibration) compared to the calibration target of D65. It shows deviation from target and a cyan tint.

Eizo CG318 SDR white point pre calibration

RGB Balance

This is the Greyscale RGB balance before calibration, it has a cyan/blue tint.

Eizo CG318 SDR RGB balance pre calibration

EOTF: Gamma

This is the native gamma and luminance response of the Eizo CG318. The reference line is configured for the calibration target of G2.4. In its default native state, the display's brightness is significantly higher than the calibration target.

Eizo CG318 SDR EOTF gamma tracking pre calibration

Spectrum Analysis

This is the spectrum of the Eizo CG318 in native gamut for full white, with the red, green and blue primaries spectral output overlaid to identify color channel issues. The R, G, B color channels match the white response closely, this is ideal.
Notice the spiky spectral response and narrow peaks, a high-end spectrometer is needed to measure this panel accurately.

Eizo CG318 SDR spectrum of the display in native gamut for white, red, green, blue


After display preparation and configuration, a large display profile is run to create a detailed characterization of the display. From that profile data, a 3D LUT is then generated by DCT and loaded into the BMD Micro Converter LUT box.

Gamut & White Point (post)

Gamut (post calibration) compared to the Rec 709 D65 target - both color space and white point are on target.

Eizo CG318 SDR gamut & white point post calibration

RGB Balance (post)

This is the Greyscale RGB balance post-calibration, very good result.

Eizo CG318 SDR RGB balance post calibration

EOTF: Gamma (post)

This is the gamma and luminance response of the Eizo CG318 after calibration compared to the reference calibration target G2.4. The display now tracks the reference very well - performance in the shadows will always be a bit compromised on LCD monitors, due to the backlight.

Eizo CG318 SDR EOTF gamma tracking post calibration

Color Error: delta E 2000 (post)

These are the dE 2000 stats post calibration for a 1,100 point stress test validation profile. With an average dE 2000 color error of only 0.54, the Eizo CG318 now performs exceptionally well given that the JND (just noticeable difference) for human vision is set at a dE 2000 value of 2.3.

Eizo CG318 SDR delta E stats post calibration for stress test validation profile

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